- 1. Introduction
2. Required software
3. Activating devices, updating software, adding devices to iVMS-4200 application
4. Initial configuration, setting the device language and time
5. Configuration in a single and multi-subscriber mode (1 door station, 1-x monitors)
6. Configuration in extension mode – calling several indoor stations in one premise by pressing a button on the door station (1 master monitor + 1 to 5 indoor monitors)
7. Configuration in a multiple door station mode
8. Configuration in Doorphone mode
9. Adding IP cameras to monitors – integration with the surveillance system
10. Activating second relay and local opening input
11. Creating an organization, adding users, assigning permissions
12. Messaging users from the iVMS-4200 application
13. Adding tags to a door station
The library on configuring the Hikvision IP / 2-Wire video door entry systems, is based on the following devices:
- DS-KD8003-IME1 modular door station, protocol 2.0 firmware,
- villa door station DS-KV8113-WME1(B), protocol 2.0 firmware ,
- villa door station DS-KV8213-WME1, protocol 1.0 firmware,
- indoor stations (monitors) DS-KH6320-WTE1, protocol 2.0 firmware.
For the DS-KD8003-IMEx door stations, the 2.0 protocol is available from firmware version 2.2.3 build 200805. For the DS-KV1X13-WME1(B), DS-6113-WME1(B) door stations, the 2.0 protocols is available from firmware version 2.2.3 build 200805 (firmware with protocol 1.0 cannot be uploaded). The DS-KV8X13-WME1, DS-6113-WME1 door stations cannot be upgraded to firmware with the protocol 2.0. For the DS-KH6320-WMEx, DS-KH8350-WMEx monitors, the protocol 2.0 is available from firmware version 2.1.10 build 200713. For the DS-KH9510-WMEx monitors, the protocol 2.0 is available from firmware version 2.1.8 build 200714.
The entire configuration described has been done using the iVMS-4200 application or via a web browser if specified. The IP Modular System and 2-Wire have the same firmware and configuration interfaces therefore they are configured in the same way.
For configuration of the second generation Hikvision IP / 2-Wire video door entry systems, the iVMS-4200 application version 3 is dedicated. Devices with the firmware with the 2.0 protocol are properly supported from version The 2nd generation IP Villa door stations can also be configured via a web browser thanks to the integrated webserver.
Newly purchased devices have to be activated by assigning passwords. Only after this is done, you can proceed with the configuration. They can be activated using e.g. iVMS-4200 client application or SADP software. SADP enables the user to quickly activate or change IP addresses of multiple devices (in groups), as well as to reset passwords if needed, which makes the application very helpful in configuring a new system. Detailed description of how to use the application can be found here.
Since the newly purchased devices may have different firmware versions, in order to avoid incompatibility and various surprises during configuration, it is recommended to update all devices to the latest firmware versions and then reset them to factory settings. Once this is done, you can proceed to configure the devices. Quick batch update of devices and resetting them to factory settings is conveniently done using Batch Configuration software.
Once the above steps are completed, you can add the devices to the iVMS-4200 application. The following is a snapshot in which 3 devices have been added correctly, which is indicated by green in the Resource usage status tab.
View of the iVMS-4200 (v3.x.x.x) window after adding the door station and two indoor stations
To configure the devices available in the iVMS-4200 application, go to the tab: Device Management -> Remote Settings (the sprocket button in the action tab).
- System -> System Maintenance, select the language Polish and Save (the device will reboot),
- System -> Time, select the time zone GMT+1 and click the Save tab. Then set the synchronization with the NTP server or click Synchronization to synchronize the time with your computer.
- Configuration -> System -> System Settings -> Basic Information, change language to Polish, confirm with Save (the device will reboot),
- Configure -> System -> System Settings -> Time Settings, select time zone GMT+1, check Manual Time Sync -> Sync. with computer time and Save settings. You can also set time synchronization with an NTP server.
- Configuration -> System -> System Settings -> Basic Information, change language to Polish, confirm with Save (the device will reboot),
- Configuration -> System -> System Settings -> Time Settings, select time zone GMT+1. Select Manual Time Sync and Sync. with computer time and confirm with Save to save the settings and synchronize the time with your computer. You can also set time synchronization with an NTP server.
To the existing buttons on the door station, assign the premises numbers that the door station should call when they are pressed. By default, they are assigned in turn to premises numbers from 1 to 4 depending on how many physical buttons the door station is equipped with (modular station has 1 button, Villa type stations from 1 to 4 buttons). If the DS-KD-KK keypad modules are connected to the modular station, edit these numbers as required. If the DS-KD-KP keypad module is connected, simply select the premises number from it and confirm with the # button. The premises number assigned to the physical button must match the premises number set in the monitor (by default each monitor is set to premises number 1). The premises numbers assigned to the buttons at the door stations can be edited in the following tabs:
Modular (IP and 2-Wire) and Villa (B) door/gate station: DS-KD8003-IMEx, KV8X13-WME1(B)
- Configuration -> Intercom -> Press Button to Call, select Main Unit (modular station) and assign a premise number to the button. When connected to the DS-KD-KK modular station, instead of the Main Unit, you can select the Sub Module and assign the premises numbers to the buttons
IP Villa door/gate stations: DS-KV8X13-WME1, DS-KV6113-WPE1
- Configuration -> Intercom -> Press the button to call/, assign the premises numbers to the buttons.
After editing the button numbers at the door station, you can proceed to configure the monitor(s). If the door station is a 1-button station and there will be only 1 monitor in the system, you do not need to edit the monitor's premises number as it has a number assigned by default. 1. For more monitors connected to a multi-button station, these numbers must be edited accordingly. In addition, the current IP address of the main door station must be set in each monitor ((Main) door station IP) and indicate Main door station type. If a monitor has a firmware version with protocol 1.0, after this configuration the system will start running and it will be possible to call the premises from the door station. If the monitors and the door station have firmware with protocol 2.0, you must additionally set the registration password in them and register the main monitors (not extensions) in the main door station.
Configuring monitors: DS-KH6320-WTEx or DS-KH8350-WTEx
Edit the premises number, main door station address, select the station type and set the registration password under Network -> Group network settings
- Premises Number: - enter the monitor number, same as assigned to the button on the door station or dialed on the keypad,
- (Main) Door station IP: - IP of the main door station,
- Main door station type: D-series = modular system, V-series = Villa system,
- Registration Password: - registration password, the same for devices throughout the system.
Setting the registration password and registering the supported monitors in the DS-KD8003-IMEx or KV8X13-WME1(B) door stations
- Configuration -> Intercom -> Session Settings -> Registration Password (the registration password should be the same for all devices)
- Device Management registration of monitors and additional door stations
When the registered devices have the Online status, the system is ready for use.
In the case of the system configuration in the extension mode of the indoor station, that is, several monitors in one premise that call simultaneously after dialing the number of the premise at the door station, the initial configuration should be done exactly as described in section 5. Then log into the monitor that will be the extension and go to the tab: Network -> Group network settings, change the device type to Additional indoor module and assign No. of the extension from 1 to 5. After saving the settings, the tab will close. Then go to configure the same tab again and fill in the available fields:
- Main IP of the indoor station: - IP of the main monitor,
- Registration Password: - registration password same for devices in the entire system.
After saving the settings, log in to the main monitor and go to the Intercom -> SIP no. settings tab and register the extension indoor station(s) there, completing all the necessary parameters. When adding more extensions (1 to max. 5), each must have a different number and be registered with the main monitor.
Perform the basic configuration as in step 5. If several door stations are to be installed, one of them is configured in master mode and the others as slaves. Furthermore, if the door stations have firmware with protocol 2.0, all extensions (slaves) must be registered with the master door station. The registration password must be the same on all devices. The master station has the index 0 under Configuration -> Intercom -> Device ID Settings -> Door Station No. When configuring slave stations, this index must be changed to 1-8 (firmware with 1.0 protocol) or 1-16 (firmware with 2.0 protocol).
After setting the door stations in the proper mode, in the slave stations, you have to enter the IP address of the master station and the registration password.
Then log on to the Master station and register the Slave station there. To do so, go to Configuration -> Device Management and when adding a Slave station, select Device Type as Sub Door Station and complete the parameters as shown in the following snapshot along with the appropriate extension number. If the door station is online after registration, the devices will be ready for use.
When adding a door station with the protocol 1.0 (e.g. DS-KV8213-WME1) to a door station with the protocol 2.0 as a Slave, changing the mode configuration and entering the IP address of the Master station is done in the following tabs (no registration password).
- Device ID Configuration -> Intercom -> Villa entry panel number - switch the door station to the Slave mode by assigning an extension number (e.g. 2)
- Configuration -> Network -> Advanced settings -> Villa entry panel master IP address - enter the IP address of the master door station
You can add an additional, local user door station to the video-intercom monitor in the Doorphone mode. For example, if a door station is installed at the entrance to a housing estate, it can be used to call any premises that are connected to it and any user can view the image from it. If you want to have an additional door station at your property, you can add it to the monitor in the Doorphone mode. From this station you can call only the monitor to which it was added and only this user can view the image from it. The door station should be added to the monitor as shown below:
- Remote Settings -> Network -> Group network settings and in the Home IP Address tab, enter the IP address of the local door station
Example installation diagram in the Doorphone mode. A given user can see the master and the slave door station assigned to their premises.
The video intercom system can be integrated with an existing CCTV system by adding a door station to the DVR, or by adding IP cameras from the CCTV system to the video intercom monitor. Depending on the need, this can be done in several ways:
- directly add Hikvision IP cameras to the video door monitor,
- add IP cameras from another manufacturer using ONVIF protocol (2nd generation monitors from firmware version v2.1.2),
- add any camera (HIKVISION, ONVIF) via HD-TVI/IP DVR.
Image from max. 16 cameras can be added and previewed. Adding cameras is possible directly at the monitor level or using the iVMS-4200 client application. To do this, go to the remote settings and then: Remote settings->Intercom->IP camera details.

Cameras should be added directly and via DVR at the 554 port.
When adding via DVR, specify the DVR IP and channel number.
When adding via DVR, specify the DVR IP and channel number.
The monitor can decode video from cameras up to 720p resolution with H.264 compression method set. This does not mean that cameras with higher resolutions cannot be connected. If, for example, an 8-megapixel camera is to be connected to the monitor, the main stream that is recorded on the DVR should be configured according to our requirements, with the highest quality and best available compression method. For the auxiliary stream, the compression method should be set to H.264 and resolution below 720p. Then, if the monitor is not able to decode the main stream, it will decode the image from the auxiliary stream. This ensures that the video is recorded on the DVR with the best possible quality, and the monitor can display the video from the connected cameras.
The DS-KD8003-IMEx main module and the DS-KV8X13-WME1 and DS-KV8X13-WME1(B) door stations have built-in 2 relays dedicated to control the wicket and the entrance gate. The door stations also have alarm inputs where the first and second ones are dedicated to connect sensors providing information on the status of the door, and the third and fourth ones are dedicated to connect local opening buttons, making it possible to control the first and second relay. The relays will be activated for the time set by the iVMS-4200 application (1-255 sec). By default, the second relay and its corresponding local opening input are disabled. To use them, they must be activated using the iVMS-4200. For the IP Villa door station, the configuration can also be performed via the Web browser.
Activating the second relay
- DS-KD8003-IMEx and DS-KV8113-WME1(B) - Configuration -> Intercom -> I/O Settings -> I/O Output No. and for Output 2, indicate in the Output tab, the response type Electric Lock,
- DS-KV8X13-WME1 - Configuration -> Intercom -> I/O Settings -> I/O Output No. and, for the corresponding Output No., select in the Output 2 tab the response type Electric Lock.
Activating the local opening button.
- DS-KD8003-IMEx and DS-KV8113-WME1(B) - Configuration -> Intercom -> I/O Settings -> I/O Input No. and for the Input 4, select in the Input tab the response type Exit Button,
- DS-KV8X13-WME1 - Configuration -> Intercom -> Input and Output and for the corresponding Input No. tab, select the Input 4 and, for the corresponding Input tab, select the response type Exit Button
From iVMS-4200, you can conveniently manage users and their privileges. First, in the Person tab, create an organization to which the users will be added. Then in the Access control tab, you create the Group which, for the organization created, permissions will be assigned for access to door station for given users (opening door/wicket by means of tag, card or access code).
Creating organization
From the iVMS-4200 application main window, navigate to the Access Control category, Person tab and then rename an existing organization or add a new one.
Adding users
Move again to the Person tab and in the created organization add a user and give them a name. When editing a particular user, as far as video intercoms are concerned, 2 categories are important, Certificate and Resident Information. Under the Certificate, you can assign tags to a user (max. 5). Under the Resident Information, assign a monitor to a given user and provide the enter its number according to the sequence facility-building-section-premises-number (1-1-1-1). If this field is left blank, messaging users from the iVMS-4200 will not be possible (users will not be available). Additionally, errors may occur when saving settings to the door station.
Assigning permissions
From the iVMS-4200 main window, navigate to the Access Control category and the Access Control tab. Under the Authorization -> Access Group tab, add a new group by naming it, indicate the Access Template, select the organization and its members that will have access to the specified door station and under the Select Access Point tab, set the door stations the users specified can access. After saving the settings, select the created group and click “Apply all to the device”.
The iVMS-4200 application allows you to send messages to selected tenants. It is particularly useful in more complex systems, as it allows you to quickly convey important information to all users such as notification about breakdowns, maintenance activities or management-related issues. Messages can be sent after configuring the system, creating an organization, adding authorized users and assigning them to individual indoor station (completing the resident information). To do this, after starting the iVMS-4200 application, go to the tab:
- Access Control->Video Intercom->Notice, select Add and in the "Send to tab select the subscribers
IP Villa door stations have a built-in Mifare standard tag reader. A tag reader supporting the Mifare (13.56 MHz) or UNIQUE (125 kHz) standard can be connected to a DS-KD8003-IMEx modular door station. Included with the door stations, is a Master card in the Mifare standard which allows tags to be registered with the door station. However, tags can be added to the door stations in several ways:
1. Via web browser – only door stations type Villa DS-KV8X13-WME1, DS-KV6113-WME1
2. Using the iVMS-4200 by initializing a reader reading or entering a tag number
By adding tags using the iVMS-4200 application, tags can be assigned to a user (max. 5 to one user) and manage them in a controlled manner in the future. After creating an organization and assigning permissions, as described in par. 11, go to the settings of a given user and under Certification -> Card add a card by pressing “+”. A window will appear in which you can manually enter the tag number (if it is known) or, after indicating a registration station (specific gate station), begin reading of the applied tags. To do this, go to the Settings tab, select the card Reader option and select the door station to use to read the tags from the available list. After saving settings and returning to previous window, press the Read button and put the tag against the reader. The card will be read into iVMS-4200 application. Then return to main program window and go to tab Access control -> Authorization -> Access group, select the previously created group and save all changes to the door station.
Note!If the Import to Group option is not checked when adding a door station to the iVMS-4200 application, it may not be available in the Credential->Card->Settings->Card Reader tab. A solution to this problem is to add the door station again with this tab checked , or to import the Access Point for the door station in the Device Management -> Group tab.
3. Using the master card attached to the door station (Mifare readers only).