If you want to have such a cherub, we will instruct you how to do it...
If you don't have Christmas tree, you'll find here instructions how to do it on your own
We make the cherub
You will need:
tracing paper: 21 x 10 cm (with A4 sheet you can make 3 cherubs)
cherub's trunk - about it later
40 cm of thread or floss
office glue
scissors, possibly paper clip and 20 minutes of your time
We "pleat" the tracing paper - it is the most laborious action, but in Christmas time
we are not in a hurry...
After several minutes we get something like that
We slit with scissors 1/3 of that concertinaed in the middle and bend the "wings" aside.
It seems to be...
The cherub must have a head - has anyone seen an angel without the head?
We may make the head with paper-pulp, dough, bean or think what else could be utilized - my invention has run out. Do write what have you used for the head of your cherub, I'll become wiser
in my old age. What we have chosen - we spear it with skewer or toothpick or even sharpened matchstick. Then we put some glue on the top of the head and sprinkle it with poppy seeds -
cherubs are not bald for sure!
We glue the trunk into concertinaed, also applying the glue onto underside of the wings,
and embrace the entire composition with paper clip
After 5 minutes it should look similarly to this..
Now, we glue in the floss and our heart is swelling with pride! It's our self-made cherub!
Who will get it? It is our reflection and decision. Let's set to work! The next will be nicer!
Merry Christmas!