The splitter is CE certified. Its operating frequency range is 5-1000 MHz and the product represents good, standard parameters within its class. It is equipped with F connectors and cast aluminum housing.
• Splits DVB-T / FM signals into two paths
• Operating band: 5-1000 MHz
• F-f connectors
• Cast aluminum housing
• Operating band: 5-1000 MHz
• F-f connectors
• Cast aluminum housing
The splitter is CE certified. Its operating frequency range is 5-1000 MHz and the product represents good, standard parameters within its class. It is equipped with F connectors and cast aluminum housing.
The splitter is CE certified. Its operating frequency range is 5-1000 MHz and the product represents good, standard parameters within its class. It is equipped with F connectors and cast aluminum housing.
The splitter is CE certified. Its operating frequency range is 5-1000 MHz and the product represents good, standard parameters within its class. It is equipped with F connectors and cast aluminum housing.
The splitter is CE certified. Its operating frequency range is 5-1000 MHz and the product represents good, standard parameters within its class. It is equipped with F connectors and cast aluminum housing.
• Splits FM/DAB/TV signals into 8 paths
• 5-1000 MHz operating band
• Loss: max 12.1 dB
• Die-cast aluminum housing
• F connectors
• 5-1000 MHz operating band
• Loss: max 12.1 dB
• Die-cast aluminum housing
• F connectors