Hotel TV systems - headends and amplifiers

At the outset, it is worth noting that hotels/boardinghouses with (S)MATV systems based on headends will not pose problems with the number of rooms (outlets). The cost mostly depends on the number and arrangement of channels received from satellite transponders. A larger number of outlets is only connected with the need to purchase additional amplifiers that usually are a small percentage of the total cost of the system.
So, the choice of the content is the fundamental problem in creating an approximate calculation for this type of investment. Often, the investor has a difficulty with selecting the optimal list of channels, which is necessary for the cost estimate. We can suggest some strategies for hoteliers and installers interested in building/developing hotel TV systems. In this short guide we will also present examples of practical solutions of headends for reception and distribution of different numbers of channels intended for various kinds of guests.
Distribution of digital terrestrial television (DVB-T)
Owners of newly built hotels and boardinghouses, equipping them with LCD televisions featuring built-in DVB-T tuners compliant with the broadcasting standard (e.g. MPEG-4), must only provide the antenna signal to outlets in rooms and other facilities. This can be achieved by using appropriate amplifier(s) depending on signal conditions and the number of the outlets.
Smaller hotels or boardinghouses located in areas with good reception conditions and needing ten, twenty or even more than fifty antenna outlets can be equipped with appropriate models of Telmor amplifiers.
From the installer's point of view, the most attractive proposal here will be TERRA's PA321TP R82513 or TERRA's PA420T R82516, with the ability to amplify as many as 20 DVB-T2 MUXes. Moreover, they also offer automatic equalization of signal levels for all channels regardless of their level at the input of the device (while maintaining the minimum required for correct signal quality) of respectively: 113dBμV (for 6 MUXes) – with this functionality, the installer does not have to worry about equalizing the levels of all signals at the input of the system. This means that it is possible to implement a system with a larger number of outlets (about 80, although this number depends on the type and types of passive elements and cabling used in the system) without using additional amplifiers. An alternative option to TERRA amplifiers can be the use of PROFINO Revolution 6711 R89062 amplifier from Johansson or WWK Alpha+ R89864 from Telmor.
Description and comparison of channel amplifiers used in TV systems.
Specifications PA321TP 2 × VHF/UHF+FM TERRA channel amplifier with AGC digitally programmed. PA420T FM+UHF+2 × VHF/UHF TERRA channel amplifier with AGC – digitally programmable PROFINO Revolution 6711 FM-DAB/VHF-2 × UHF Johansson digitally programmable channel amplifier Channel amplifier: WWK Alpha+ Telmor
Code R82513   R82516 R89062   R89064
No. of inputs  4  6
Operating band FM + 2 × VHF/UHF FM + 2 × VHF/UHF + UHF  FM + VHF + 2 × UHF  FM + 3 × VHF/UHF +DAB/VHF/UHF+AUX 
Frequency range [MHz] FM: 87...108
VHF/UHF: 174...240/470...694

FM: 87...108
VHF/UHF: 174...240/470...694
UHF: 470...694

 FM: 88...108
VHF: 174...240
UHF: 470...694
 FM: 87.5...108
3 × VHF/UHF: 170...230/470...862
DAB/VHF/UHF: 170...230/470...862
AUX: 47...862
Preamplifier power supply
IN1 input: 12 VDC/100 mA  IN1 input: 12 VDC/100 mA
IN2 input: 12 VDC/100 mA 
 DC 12 V or DC 24 V
max: 100 mA (total)
 12 VDC/50 mA
per input
Gain [dB] FM: 29
VHF/UHF: max 63
FM: 29
VHF/UHF: max 63
FM: 35
VHF/UHF: > 60
 FM: 35/25
AUX: 22/10
Number of supported filters/MUXes  max. 20  max. 20 max. 15   max. 32
AGC function 46 dB for each of the 20 filters 46 dB for each of the 20 filters In real time on all multiplexes  YES 
Selectivity [dB/1MHz]  > 30 > 30  35 35 
Converter function  NO  NO  YES  YES
Configuration  TERRnet app  TERRnet app  Control by buttons + knob
on the amplifier panel
Control by buttons
on the amplifier panel 
RF output level [dBμV]  90...113 for 6 MUXes  90...113 for 6 MUXes  90...107 for 6 MUXes 98...118 (DIM 45004B)
Power supply  Remote power supply via coaxial cable or from the included 12 VDC power supply Built-in power supply   Built-in power supply 12 VDC power supply included 
The following diagram shows an example system for digital terrestrial TV in the DVB-T2 standard.
For large facilities and when the facility (hotel, boarding house) is located in an area with poorer signal availability or the signal is interfered with, for example, by other transmitters, it is recommended to use a professional system based on TTX420 R81616 transmodulators from TERRA. The TTX-420 transmodulator, acting as a DVB-T/T2/C signal regenerator, improves signal quality. TTX-420 R81616 transmodulator is used when the error rate (high bit error rate BER and low modulation error rate MER) in the signal directly downstream of the antenna is high and the use of channel amplifiers or frequency converters proves ineffective and does not allow for distribution of the signal in a SMATV system. Such a problem occurs in areas with poor coverage of terrestrial TV signals. Due to high selectivity, the signal processed and amplified by the transmodulators provides a basis for building larger systems.
The components of a system based on Terra devices:
  • R82510 - at420 - twin channel amplifier
  • R82511 - at440 - four-channel amplifier
  • R82520 - ma400 - multiband amplifier with Three independent paths (FM, VHF&DAB, UHF) and high maximum output level
  • accessories: power supply unit, power strip, RF bridges etc.
Transmodulator: 2xDVB-T/T2/C - 2xDVB-T (COFDM) TTX-420 FTA TERRA
TTX420 FTA R81616
Multiband Amplifier Terra ma400 (FM/VHF/UHF)
ma400 R82520
Power Supply: TERRA UP413 (12V/4.5A, for Terra modules)
UP413 R82533
The diagram below shows an example system for terrestrial digital TV in the DVB-T2 standard using TTX420 R81616 transmodulator.