Optical Splitter: Terra so414 (1x4)

Code: R82527
Price Disc. Quantity Validity
€145.77 0 % from 1 piece
The Terra so414 optical splitter splits optical signal from the output of an optical transmitter into four optical paths. The splitter can be used in any PONs (Passive Optical Networks).


4-year warranty.



The Terra so414 optical splitter splits optical signal from the output of an optical transmitter into four optical paths. The splitter can be used in any PONs (Passive Optical Networks).
The R82527 1x4 splitter can be mounted separately on a wall, using the included accessories, or can be placed together with other devices on universal DIN rail R82538 (also in a RACK cabinet). There is no need for the use of frames or fiber optic adapters - fibers terminated with SC/APC connectors can be directly plugged into the device.
The splitter can be used with the following components of TERRA systems:
Customers can order any patch cords made to order with required terminating connectors. Please contact your sales assistant.
Application examples
Transmission of optical signals at 1310 nm and 1550 nm
via a single fiber, with distribution to four subnetworks
Reception and distribution of four DVB-T multiplexes via optical medium,
with redistribution to four subnetworks
On request, there are available other optical splitters:
Name so418 so424
1x8 1x4+1x4
Operation wavelength range [nm] 1260-1650


Key features
  • For single-mode networks
  • Operating wavelength range: 1260-1650 nm
  • DIN rail or wall mounting
  • Optical connectors: SC/APC
  • Stable attenuation
  • High reliability


Product type Optical splicer
Name so414
type PLC
Housing type BOX
Signal division 1/4
Operating band nm 1260 – 1650
Loss dB 7
Connectors SC/APC