OTDR/tester ULTIMODE OR-30-S3S5S62B-iSMV for fiber optic and copper networks

Code: L5835
Price Disc. Quantity Validity
€1272.29 0 % from 1 piece
OTDR ULTIMODE OR-30-S3S5S62B-iSMV is a device designed for measuring and diagnosing optical fibre connections.
• OTDR and tester of fiber optic connections
• 5 inch screen with multi-touch function (touch screen)
• User-friendly interface similar to a smartphone interface
• Measurement at wavelengths 1310 nm, 1550 nm, 1625 nm
• Dynamics 32/30 dB
• Function of light source and power meter for transmission method measurements
• Visual VFL fault locator for basic optical line diagnostics
• Detailed analysis of the entire optical path up to 80 km long
• Helps verify events and failures: broken or bent fiber, soiled connectors, bad splices, etc.
• “Pass/Fail” verification
• Creating pdf/xls measurement reports
• Twisted pair cable tester and copper cable identification


2-year warranty.



OTDR ULTIMODE OR-30-S3S5S62B-iSMV is a device designed for measuring and diagnosing optical fibre connections. It combines the functions of: an OTDR, optical power meter, light source and visual fault locator. In addition, it has the function of copper cable locator (operating in analog or digital mode), and the function of connection map for twisted-pair cables. Thus, it provides a universal installation diagnostic tool for telecom network contractors and others.
The device generates pulses at three wavelengths: 1310 nm, 1550 nm and 1625 nm. This enables full diagnostics of the optical path in terms of fiber attenuation, splices, connectors, as well as events such as fiber bending and cable bending or breakage. A 1625 nm wavelength is available on a second OTDR connector equipped with filters for lower wavelengths, making it possible to perform measurements on active line in GPON networks and beyond. The dynamic range of 32/30 dB makes it possible to check connections on cables as long as tens of kilometers, including splitters.
Why a 3-wave OTDR?
Having an OTDR device with the ability to make measurements at 3 wavelengths comes with a number of benefits. The first is the ability to provide service to a variety of customers, regardless of their requirements. Among the requirements for performing reflectometry measurements, one can find both, those in which the customer expects measurements for 1310 nm and 1550 nm and those in which only measurements at 1625 nm are expected (mainly measurements in the networks of larger operators). The OR-30 L5835 allows for each of these types of assignments.
Another benefit is the possibility of full diagnostics of the system being made. The additional 1625 nm laser makes it possible to detect any macro-bends in the system that would not necessarily manifest themselves with 1310/1550 nm measurements. The higher wavelength, due to occupying a larger area of the MFD in the fiber, is more sensitive to leakage at bends, resulting in increased attenuation. However, it is also worth taking measurements at lower wavelengths, because it is at these wavelengths that transmission is usually realized, and the 1310 nm wavelength sometimes allows to highlight problems with fiber positioning (poor connectors, splices). To summarize, 3-wave measurement is a complete measurement and provides full information about the network.
OTDR/tester ULTIMODE OR-30-S3S5S62B-iSMV for fiber optic and copper networks
OTDR/tester ULTIMODE OR-30-S3S5S62B-iSMV for fiber optic and copper networks
OTDR/tester ULTIMODE OR-30-S3S5S62B-iSMV for fiber optic and copper networks
Example of a 3-wavelength measurement where the measurement at higher wavelengths highlighted a problem at a splice location. The problem, however, is not the splice itself, but the bend in the fiber that occurs right behind it. Event number 2 is a combination (splice) of fibers in G.652.D and G.657.B3. When measured at a wavelength of 1310 nm, an apparent signal amplification (gain) of 0.104 dB was recorded at this location, as expected (screenshot on the left) – you can read more about "gainers" here. This is the correct combination. The measurement at 1550 nm gives a worse result – an attenuation of 0.233 dB appears at the apparent gain spot (middle screenshot), which is a poor result for a splice and suggests that there may be a kink there. This is finally confirmed by a measurement at 1625 nm, which gives a result of 0.717 dB at this location (screenshot on the right). After eliminating the kink on the fiber, the measurement at 1310 nm did not change, while for higher wavelengths this connection became invisible in the measurement.
Special features of ULTIMODE OR-30-S3S5S62B-iSMV include compact size and convenience of use. The device features a 5-inch LCD touchscreen with 800x400 p resolution and rubber function keys, making operation of the OTDR and use of basic functions quick and intuitive. Simple and intuitive interface allows for easy navigation and quick measurements. For this reason, the device is well suited for installers who have no experience with this type of equipment.
The results of measurements taken can be automatically stored in the device's memory (about 30 MB of built-in memory available, allowing 300-500 measurements to be stored) or on a microSD card (not included). The results easily and quickly can be downloaded to a PC via a USB-C cable (the device is visible as a portable memory stick), and then used to generate simple or advanced measurement reports in pdf/xls format with the OTDR Assistant software.
OTDR/tester ULTIMODE OR-30-S3S5S62B-iSMV for fiber optic and copper networks
OTDR/tester ULTIMODE OR-30-S3S5S62B-iSMV for fiber optic and copper networks
After the measurement in OTDR mode, the user has a choice of 4 tabs in which to analyze the results. The “Test Curve” tab allows the user to view the reflectogram and the event table. “Event list” contains only the event table.
OTDR/tester ULTIMODE OR-30-S3S5S62B-iSMV for fiber optic and copper networks
OTDR/tester ULTIMODE OR-30-S3S5S62B-iSMV for fiber optic and copper networks
The "Event map" tab contains a graphical representation of the measured line – the OTDR analyzes the parameters of the events and assigns them an appropriate icon (splice, joint, macro bend, etc.). After pointing to the selected element, the user gets access to information on its parameters. The “Analysis” tab can be used for detailed analysis of selected events or fragments of a connection. Marker sets are used to mark line fragments - attenuation, attenuation, reflection attenuation and reflectance can be analyzed.
In addition to the ability to perform a standard reflectometric measurement at two wavelengths and generate a graph of events in the optical path (reflectogram), the ULTIMODE OR-30 features iOLA function. This option is especially recommended for less experienced installers, it enables automatic execution of a series of measurements without defining the parameters of the measurement pulse measurement range, etc. The result is presented in a clear graphical form in the form of a link with marked events such as joints, splices, bends etc.
A very useful option is the ability to enable the "Pass/Fail " verification when performing measurements. This makes it possible to check the connections against preset boundary conditions, i.e.: attenuation of the entire connection and attenuation and/or reflectance of individual events. The verification takes place on the device itself and can be transferred to the measurement report. It is therefore possible to generate a pdf report with the "Pass " indication, i.e. to acknowledge that the desired expectations have been met.
OTDR/tester ULTIMODE OR-30-S3S5S62B-iSMV for fiber optic and copper networks
OTDR/tester ULTIMODE OR-30-S3S5S62B-iSMV for fiber optic and copper networks
An interesting and also useful option, not available on the cheaper OR-20 L5830 model, is the ability to omit the launch fibre (and run-up fibre if used) from the analysis of measurement results. It is possible to indicate the length of the run-up fibre or to order the omission in the analysis of everything up to event number 1, which is usually the connection of the launch fibre to the measured line. As a result, everything that does not go into the measured line is grayed out, and the length of the measured track is not artificially extended by the launch fibre. This ensures that the measurement report omits irrelevant information for the customer. This is especially important for measuring short lines, where the launch fibre may be longer than the section of fiber optic cable being measured.
OTDR/tester ULTIMODE OR-30-S3S5S62B-iSMV for fiber optic and copper networks
The OR-30 L5835 tester is also equipped with a probe and accessories for testing copper cables, especially twisted-pair cables. Using the probe and the “RJ45 Tracker” function, it is possible to identify cables in bundles, on panels, etc. The probe can operate in analog or digital mode. It also has a useful function of LED flashlight.

OTDR/tester ULTIMODE OR-30-S3S5S62B-iSMV for fiber optic and copper networks
OTDR/tester ULTIMODE OR-30-S3S5S62B-iSMV for fiber optic and copper networks
The “RJ45 Mapper” function allows you to check the continuity and mapping of wires in a twisted-pair cable. It is possible to measure the approximate length of the twisted-pair cable. Since the measurement is made separately for each wire, it is possible to identify the location of a break or short circuit on selected wires.
Key features:
  • OTDR and fiber optic connection tester
  • 5-inch screen with multi-touch function (touch screen)
  • user-friendly interface similar to a smartphone interface
  • measurement at wavelengths 1310 nm, 1550 nm, 1625 nm
  • dynamics 32/30 dB
  • function of light source and power meter for transmission method measurements
  • visual VFL fault locator for basic optical line diagnostics
  • detailed analysis of the entire optical path up to 80 km long
  • helps verify events and failures: broken or bent fiber, soiled connectors, bad splices, etc.
  • “Pass/Fail” verification
  • creating pdf/xls measurement reports
  • twisted pair cable and copper cable identification function
OTDR measurements require the launch fibre. It eliminates the so-called OTDR dead zone and correctly measures the parameters of the first connector in the system. ULTIMODE launch fibres with a length of 150 m are excellent for measurements of short (up to several kilometers) connections. Versions with SC/APC connector matching the ULTIMODE OR-20-S3S5-iSMV reflectometer and connectors are available: SC/APC L58510, SC/UPC L58512, LC/UPC L58514. These launch fibres have a practical, convenient-to-use housing and the ability to protect the connectors when the components are not in use. Depending on the type of connectors encountered in the system, one or more launch fibres should be provided. If you want to properly measure the connector at the end of a fibre optic link, then it is necessary to use the run-up fibre.
150 m SC/APC-SC/APC launch fibre ULTIMODE FLC-150-SCA-SCA
150 m SC/APC-SC/APC launch fibre ULTIMODE FLC-150-SCA-SCA
Dirty OTDR connector is one of the most common causes of problems in performing reflectometry measurements. Using tools to clean the OTDR socket and the plug of the runner plugged into it is crucial for a properly performed measurement and the life of the connector itself. A dirty connector compromises the dynamics of the device and generates high signal reflection. Failure to clean can lead to damage to the OTDR socket which is one of the more common failures in this type of device. Use good practices – clean the connectors! We recommend a proven solution from the renowned Japanese company NTT Nanoclean E3 L59161.
ULTIMODE OR-30-S3S5S62B-iSMV is equipped with 3 lasers operating at 1310 and 1550 nm vawelengtsh. This makes it possible to perform a comprehensive measurement of the optical path. The 1310/1550 nm wavelengths allow for verification of the optical path in the context of the bands later used by transmission equipment. The 1625 nm wavelength allows for verification of the installation for any macro-bends in cables and fibers.
An extremely common case in everyday life – 2 single-mode fibers terminated in a subscriber box. Carelessly placed fiber stocks and splice covers can lead to excessive fiber bending. When measured at a wavelength of 1310 nm, no problems are highlighted at the socket (attenuation of connector + splices 0.25 dB), while the measurement of the same fiber at a wavelength of1550 nm shows significant attenuation (1.55 dB) forcing the need to improve the system. The measurement was made with an Ultimode OR-20 L5830 OTDR. The OR-30 L5835 has even more capabilities in terms of macro fracture location.

(click to enlarge)
This function allows the installer to save time by automatically measuring at 2 wavelengths (for 1310/1550 nm measurements; for 1625 nm measurements are made at 1 wavelength). The results are analyzed by the OTDR and then presented in a graphical form that everyone can understand. This option can be used, among others, by novice installers and those who want to perform a quick but comprehensive measurement with verification that the attenuation of the entire link is within the specified limits.
The "Pass/Fail" analysis option is an extremely important feature for those who develop their systems according to predetermined rules (e.g., multi-family housing – optical path attenuation less than 1.2 dB) or for those who, after the service has been performed, want to submit a measurement report containing clear information on whether the system meets the specified requirements. The OTDR analyzes the attenuation of the entire measured section, taking into account all events (connectors, splices etc.), and determines whether the parameters of all elements of the path and its entirety are within the limits defined in the settings.
OTDR/tester ULTIMODE OR-30-S3S5S62B-iSMV for fiber optic and copper networks
Default values proposed by the manufacturer can be changed. The verified parameters are: attenuation for attenuation events, and reflectance and attenuation for reflectance events. After the device performs measurement and analysis, the user gets clear information on whether the connection and its individual components meet the relevant requirements. A useful piece of information provided in this mode is also the total attenuation of the path for both wavelengths.

(click to enlarge)

5-inch touchscreen allows convenient analysis of reflectograms while taking measurements. It makes navigation and changing settings easy.

The menu layout and navigation are extremely accessible right from the start of working with the device. The way to edit parameters and activate and deactivate selected functions is instantaneous. In addition, navigation via the touchscreen and gestures known from smartphones greatly enhances the user experience.

OTDR/tester ULTIMODE OR-30-S3S5S62B-iSMV for fiber optic and copper networks
Parameters such as wavelength, averaging time, pulse width or measurement range are available in a handy menu. Other options can be configured in a clear settings menu. Basic and advanced options are accessed with a single touch of the screen. The sheer number of options that can be set is not overwhelming, making this device extremely simple and easy to understand in use.

To download the measurement files to the computer, simply connect the device to the computer using a USB type C cable (included) and activate the communication function with the computer. The OTDR is then recognized as a removable memory device.

The device has a built-in memory of 30 MB. This allows up to 500 measurement files to be stored, depending on whether the files are OTDR or iOLA module files, or both, and whether files are generated for one or both wavelengths. In addition, it is possible to insert a microSD card into the device, on which measurement results can also be saved. With a capacity of 16 GB, the number of possible results to be saved will exceed one hundred thousand.

OTDR/tester ULTIMODE OR-30-S3S5S62B-iSMV for fiber optic and copper networks
OTDR/tester ULTIMODE OR-30-S3S5S62B-iSMV for fiber optic and copper networks
OTDR/tester ULTIMODE OR-30-S3S5S62B-iSMV for fiber optic and copper networks
Stored in memory or on external storage media can be viewed and analyzed from the device. The file system is clear and easy to navigate. Editing file and directory names is quick (touch keyboard).

(click to enlarge)
The OTDR Assistant for PC application allows you to read *.sor (Telcordia SR-4731 standard) measurement files generated by the OTDR for accurate analysis. It is possible to freely navigate through the reflectogram, zoom in on parts of it, or determine the attenuation of a given section or event using markers (2-point method, 4-point method, LSA method). The application also has an iOLA plugin for reading the *tor files generated when the results of the iOLA module are saved.
OTDR Assistant app
The saved files and the above-mentioned software allow the generation of measurement reports in *.pdf or *.xls format. The Measurement Report Wizard gives you a choice as to the format and content of the report. You can choose between a one-page document containing basic information, or advanced reports including such data as a reflectogram, event tables, or graphical representation of the measured link.

LiPo BATTERY, 5000 mAh -– more than 5 h operation time
The device is equipped with a 5000 mAh LiPo battery charged via a USB-C port (a typical 5 V/1 A charger is sufficient for this). Typical operating time on a single charge is 5h. It is, of course, possible to connect an external power source such as a power bank to the USB port, which will easily extend the uninterrupted working time to a full working day.
ULTIMODE OR-30-S3S5S62B-iSMV combines the functionality of several devices – in addition to the basic function of the OTDR, the user can benefit from an optical power meter (OPM), light source (OLS), visual fault locator (VFL) and flashlight (LED). As a result, the device can be used for both quick connection diagnostics and more advanced measurements. In addition, the kit includes a probe for testing copper cables.

Note! The warranty period for the battery is 12 months.


Product type OTDR
Name OR-30-S3S5S62B-iSMV
General data
Display LCD 5'', dotykowy
connector type 2x SC/APC
Battery type - LiPo
Battery voltage/capacity V/mAh 3,7 / 5000
working time H 5
charging time H 3.5
Maximum temperature operation °C 0...+50
Maximum temperature storage -20...70
Permissible humidity % < 95
Weight kg 0,5 (OTDR)
Accessories etui, ładowarka 5V, kabel USB, słuchawki, akcesoria do sondy
Parametry pomiarowe
Dynamic range 1310 nm dB 32
Dynamic range 1550 nm dB 32
1625 nm dB 30
Pulse width ns 5 – 2000
Measurement range km 0,1 - 150
Number of measurement points pcs. 16000
Possibility to skip the launch fibre Tak
Moduł VFL
wavelength nm 650
power output mW 10
Range km 8
Connector universal 2.5 mm
Operating mode Continuous/2 kHz tone