- CCTV, WLAN, TV/SAT installation companies
These are our main customers. We provide for the companies many integrated solutions - complete offers of equipment and support from our Technical Department. Our Marketing Partnership Program favors long-term cooperation and volume of sales. We organize Specialized courses providing know-how on most effective technological solutions. The products can be purchased in the Network of Branches, or via modern online store (e-Store), in which the logged-in Customer has access to individual trade prices.
- Wholesale companies and specialist stores
Representing many renown manufacturers and trademarks we ensure best value purchasing.We invite electrical wholesale companies to purchase high quality transmission cables (data, video, RF). Our Marketing Department supports our Customers and Partners by delivering catalogs, posters, banners etc. and by launching joint promotion campaigns.
- Local governments, property developers and contractors
We develop concepts of CCTV, WLAN, IP CCTV systems. A review of the most important issues concerning practical use of IP CCTV technology is done in Video Surveillance of Cities. We also provide a range of diagrams of medium-size and large-size signal/multimedia installations, including community antenna television systems (SMATV / MATV). We are not an installation company and recommend to hire professional installers in local markets.
- Individual customers
A part of our offer is ideal for everyone who has a passion for do-it -yourself projects. The descriptions, diagrams, and tips available on the website (as well as the included user's manuals) enable the Customer / User to properly install the equipment (to do or modernize home antenna/satellite installation, CCTV system, WLAN system etc). The products can be bought either in our e-Store or in the Network of Branches.
DIPOL is one of few European companies providing complete range of CCTV, WLAN and TV/SAT products, technical support and franchising offer.