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Professional compression BNC connector E8295 is manufactured for DIPOL by American PCT company. The features of the connector have been specially matched to the TRISET-113 cables.
Distinguishing features of the E8295 connector:
- wide operating band - up to 2 GHz,
- connecting/disconnecting operations do not influence connection quality (can be even used in measurement equipment),
- waterproof termination of the cable,
- resistance to corrosion - made of non-ferrous metals and highest-quality dielectric,
- very low loss in the whole operating band (CCTV applications - baseband video <0.1 dB),
- perfect matching to the transmission line within the whole operating band
(CCTV applications - baseband video - VSWR<1.03), - simple and quick assembly: longitudinal compression,
- properly compressed connection is highly resistant to break, due to dual compression rings,
- matched to the cables of TRISET-113 family,
- many patented technologies,
- to be compressed with PCT-AIO-CT E80075.
- quick and easy assembly, and stability of operation are really worth the price.
This monolithic (one-piece body) BNC connector made of zinc-plated bronze makes a perfect match with TRISET-113 cables. The construction of the connector protects the connection against water penetration without use of any washers. The kind of material used eliminates any corrosion. The highest manufacturing precision ensures low loss and insertion force, as well as perfect appearance and long-time stability of the connection.
The connector contains two 360o compression rings which, after longitudinal compression (along the axis of the rings) make a slight bulge. The dimensions of the rings ensure strong tight and resistance to break, but do not change the structure of the cable.
The inner conductor of the cable inserted into the inlet is centered and stopped. Special element ensures proper contact, which eliminates interferences when the cable is moved.
The connector is produced under strict technological discipline. It consists of 13 parts made of special, non-corrosive materials. Highly enlarged view of the connector shows the precision of production. The plug is tight in the socket, there is no risk of loosing the contact, which takes place in the case of cheap connectors.
To strip TRISET-113 cables we recommend the E80074 insulation stripper.
For compressing the connector we offer the universal compression tool PCT-AIO-CT E80075.
For compressing the connector we offer the universal compression tool PCT-AIO-CT E80075.
The mounting of the connector is a quick and easy job:
- prepare the end of the cable uncovering the inner conductor at the length of 8 +/-1.4 mm and the dielectric with braid at the length of 6.4 mm
- turn down the braid onto the jacket (sheath) of the cable
- slip the end of the cable into the connector
- compress the connector onto the cable with the compression tool
After some practice it takes less than 20 seconds !!!
In every branch of DIPOL
installers can compress connectors on a trial basis
to become convinced how easy it is.
installers can compress connectors on a trial basis
to become convinced how easy it is.
Below there are two basic characteristics of the connector: attenuation and matching.
Attenuation characteristic of the connector
Monotonicity of this characteristic proves good design and implementation of the connector. it does not change the characteristic of the whole transmission line. Below 5 MHz (CCTV) the attenuation level can be practically omitted.
Matching characteristic
Matching characteristics
The characteristic is connected with VSWR. Return loss, practically in the whole band, is better than 20dB, meaning perfect matching (nearly all power of the signal is transmitted further through the connector). The VSWR parameter changes from 1.03 to 1.38.