Satellite Dish: Laminas OFC-1200P (Az-El mount)



The satellite dish Laminas OFC-1200 P A9670 has very good technical parameters. The reflector is made of high-strength metalized epoxy-glass composite, characterized by high resistance to the destructive effects of the environment. This material is also light, which makes the job of the installer easier.
The antenna is designed for shared antenna systems (SMATV) in multi-dwelling units, hotels, motels, boardinghouses etc, where the requirements for signal strength and quality are higher than in the case of individual installations.
The LNB arm is additionally stabilized by two aluminum rods.
The mount supplied with the dish enables precise and stable positioning (the mast shown in the picture is not included).
The dish and accessories are packed into cardboard box (1340x1240x170 mm).
Distinguishing features:
  • high quality and resistance to environmental and weather conditions
  • robust design
  • wide range of Az-El adjustment
  • Az-El mount included
  • easy installation
  • packed into cardboard box


Product type Satellite dish
type Offset
Size cm 120
Color Light
Manufacturer LAMINAS
Reflector Material Epoxy-glass composite
Reflector Dimensions mm 1200 × 1310
Gain for 11.7 GHz dBi 41.1
Gain for 12.7 GHz dBi 42.1
Focal length mm 700
LNB mounting diameter mm 40
Max. mast diameter mm 60