Self-supporting Universal Cable: ULTIMODE FC.E-2SM WHITE (2x G.657A2)

Code: L7202B
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Self-supporting Universal Cable ULTIMODE FC.E-2SM (2x G.657A2)
View of the cable
ULTIMODE FC.E-2SM is a universal fiber optic cable in LSOH jacket, so it can be used outdoors and indoors. Strengthened with aramid fibers, the cable can withstand the load of 800 N at a span of 150 m. Thanks to this feature, the cable is ideal for suspended lines, e.g. for connecting security cameras and access points placed on poles. The cable is composed of two single-mode G.657A2 fibers (diameter of 250 μm, minimum bending radius of 7.5 mm).
The universal ULTIMODE FC.E-2SM cable is also well suited for applications inside buildings. Due to sufficient flexibility and outer diameter of 3 mm, it can be easily installed in FTTx, office, home networks.
The safe length of the span between poles: 40 - 50 meters.
The single-mode fiber used in the cable is ITU-T G.657.A in 250 μm buffers. The G.657.A fiber is currently one of the most advanced and popular single-mode fibers, being in fact an improved version of the G.652.D fiber. The fiber can be formed into tight coils due to reduced attenuation in such conditions, whereas other parameters are even a little better (attenuation less than 0.35 dB/km at 1310 nm and less than 0.20 dB/km at 1550 nm). The special feature of this fiber type is reduced attenuation of bends/coils.
Compliance with the following standards:
  • EN 50267-2-2
  • EN50268-2
  • ISO 4892/2
Code L7202B
Mechanical characteristic
Self-supporting cable
Strengthening elements
Aramid fibers
Number of optical fibers
Cable diameter
3.0 mm
Weight  6.3 kg / km
Fiber type

G.657A2 9/125 μm CORNING

Minimum bending radius
7.5 mm

Crush strength

Short-term: 1000 N / 100 mm

Long-term: 300 N / 100 mm

Max. tensile strength 800 N
Jacket LS0H
Operating temperature range
Installation temperature range -20oC...+60oC


Cable structure:
1. Single-mode G.657A fiber
2. Strengthening aramid fibers
3. LSOH jacket resistant to UV radiation

Customers can order any patch cords made to order with required terminating connectors. Please contact your sales assistant.
Price for 1 m


Kod L7202B
Typ kabla samonośny
Wzmocnienie włokna aramidowe
Liczba włókien 2
Średnica kabla 3,0 mm
Masa kabla  6,3 kg / km
Rodzaje włókien

G.657A2 9/125 μm CORNING

Minimalny promień gięcia 7,5 mm

Wytrzymałość na zgniatanie


1000 N / 100 mm


300 N / 100 mm
Max. siła naciągu 800 N
Powłoka LS0H
Kolor biały
Temperatura pracy -30oC...+70oC
Temperatura instalacji -20oC...+60oC