Steel Satellite Dish: TRIAX 115 TD (dark gray)

Code: A9646
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Steel Satellite Dish: TRIAX 115 TD (dark gray)
View of the dish (there may be TRIAX logo)

Steel Satellite Dish: TRIAX 115 TD (dark gray)
Rear view

Steel Satellite Dish: TRIAX 100 TD (dark gray)
The kit includes the adapter for mounting an LNB with 25 mm neck diameter
TRIAX 115 TD A9646 is a steel satellite dish with very good parameters and accessories that help the installer to mount it quickly and firmly. The reflector of the dish is made of galvanized steel and is powder coated with polyester paint. The both layers provide excellent protection against corrosion. The mounting elements and LNB arm are also made of galvanized steel.
The TD series of satellite dishes is manufactured according to the quality standards of Danish company, Triax A/S. Precision tools and machinery ensure uniform and optimum geometry for excellent reception. The dishes are tested in vibration machines (100000 vibrations) and in wind tunnels (ETS 300784).
The dishes are very easy to install. Of particular note is the fact that the dishes have been equipped with folded arms. The arms are locked in the working position by pressing special inserts into the holes in the dishes. LNB holders are inserted into the arms and fixed without any screws (slam locks).
Distinguishing features:
  • high quality and resistance to adverse weather conditions
  • robust design
  • thick steel sheet
  • strong LNB arm
  • integrated LNB arm
  • precise indication of the elevation angle
  • fast and easy installation
  • compliance with ETS 300784 standard (tested in a wind tunnel in accordance with ETSI rules)
The diameter of the dish is sufficient for trouble-free reception of HD channels from Hotbird and Astra in most European countries, or even from four satellites located within 20-degree scope. The second LNB should be installed using adjustable (3-10 deg) FLEXIBLOCK TD A98920. Up to four satellites can be received using MULTIBLOCK TD A98930 and an adequate number of LNBs.
Name TRIAX 115 TD
Code A9646
Rated frequency range [GHz]  10.7-12.75
Energetic gain at 11.7 GHz [dBi] 40.2
G/T LNB 0.7 [dB/K] 20.6
Cross-polarization discrimination [dB]  > 27
Offset angle [°] 26
Elevation angle range [°] 10-50 / 45-80
Reflector type
Offset F/D 0.6
Beam width [°] 1.8
Strength (wind 42 m/s) [N]
Mast diameter range [mm]  Ø 32-60
LNB neck diameter range [mm] Ø 40 + Ø 25
Dimensions [mm] 1140x1030
dark gray (RAL 7016)
Weight [kg]  10.5






Nazwa TRIAX 115 TD
Kod A9646
Częstotliwość pracy konwertera [GHz]  10,7-12,75
Zysk energetyczny dla 11,7 GHz [dBi] 40,2
G/T LNB 0.7 [dB/K] 20,6
Polaryzacja X [dB]  > 27
Kąt offset [°] 26
Zakres elewacji [°] 10-50 / 45-80
Typ reflektora  Offset F/D 0.6
Szerokość wiązki [°] 1,8
Wytrzymałość na wiatr (przy 42 [m/s]) [N] 1222
Średnica masztu [mm]  Ø 32-60
Mocowanie konwertera [mm] Ø 40 + Ø 25
Wymiary [cm] 114x103
Kolor ciemno-szary (RAL 7016)
Masa [kg] 10,5