1. How to find the product you are looking for?
- Please select a category from the "OFFER" drop-down menu.
- After selecting a category, a list of subcategories is displayed.
- Clicking on each subcategory each time restricts the number of displayed products included in the main category to those included in the selected subcategory. To go back to the parent category, you can use the navigation path displayed under the page title or select the department and category again from the "OFFER" menu.
- Using filters in individual subcategories allows you to more accurately select products with the desired parameters.
- Clicking on the picture of a product or its name takes you to its datasheet.
- Another way to find products is to use the search engine. Please enter the keyword or product code, then select the item of interest from the context menu of the search engine, or click on the "magnifying glass", then the search results are displayed in the form of a list divided into sections: Products, Library, Weekly Review and Manufacturer
2. How to complete the order?
- After finding the product you are looking for, you should select the correct quantity of the product using "+" and "-" or by typing the number directly in the box, and then click the shopping cart icon.
- Aside the price of the cart product, there is an icon in the form of a star, which, when clicked, adds the selected product to the Favorite goods list, which is helpful for placing further orders. This functionality works after the user logs in.
- When a product is temporarily unavailable, an icon with an image of an eye appears in place of the cart icon. This is the so-called watchdog. After clicking on this icon, you will be notified about the availability of the product via e-mail. This functionality works after the user logs in.
- At any time, you can view the contents of your shopping cart by clicking on the shopping cart icon or the "GO TO CART" button at the top of the page and adjust the quantities.
- At each of the schemes and variants of the system, it is possible to add a set of products to the shopping cart forming the presented solution. Clicking the button "ADD SCHEME PRODUCTS TO CHART" generates a list of products with quantities according to the scheme. If there are cables or wires in the scheme, they are proposed in the list in the available packaging variants. On the list you can freely change the quantities of individual items. Each product should be approved by clicking the cart icon.
3. How to finalize the transaction?
- Please click the shopping cart icon or the "GO TO CART" button at the top of the page to view its contents. The "CART" page opens, showing a list of ordered products, and the total gross value of the order under the list. You can still adjust the quantities of ordered products.
- Please click the "GO TO CHECKOUT" button. If you have not logged in before, the "LOG IN/REGISTER" page is displayed. Please log in or, if you have not yet shopped through our online sales system, enter your information to register, or click on "CONTINUE WITHOUT LOGGING".
- After logging in, registering or choosing to shop without registering, while on the "CART" page, please click on the "GO TO CHECKOUT" button. The " SHIPPING DETAILS" page is displayed, where you are requested to provide all the details necessary to complete the order: select the appropriate type of sales document, choose the method of order completion, provide buyer details and shipping address, choose the method of invoice delivery and payment methods, and then check the appropriate boxes, giving the necessary consents to complete the order. You can also check the optional consent fields here.
- After clicking the "SUMMARY" button, an order summary is displayed.
- If all the data is correct in the summary click the "BUY WITH OBLIGATION TO PAY" button in order to confirm the order. A page will be displayed confirming the acceptance of the order with information on the order number.
- You can find out what phase of the order is in progress, and if you have selected the payment method "Advance payment", you can find out about the details of this advance payment at any time by clicking My Account in the upper right corner of the page and going to the "Orders" tab.
- A customer placing an order in the e-Store uses the Online Store Warehouse operated by DIPOL corporate headquarters in Krakow, Poland.
- You can also shop directly at the headquarters in Krakow or at any point in our sales network. You can email any of our branches to do so.
- Contacts and addresses of the headquarters and individual outlets of our sales network can be found on SALES NETWORK.