Universal Subscriber Pass-through Outlet: Signal R-TV-SAT


3-year warranty.



BLUE line - attenuation between input and FM output;
RED line - matching between input and FM output
BLUE line - attenuation between input and SAT output;
RED line - matching between input and SAT output
BLUE line - attenuation between input and TV output;
RED line - matching between input and TV output


Product type RTV interface
Manufacturer SIGNAL
Outlet type Pass-through
Socket type R-TV-SAT
Installation Surface-mounted, Flush-mounted
Operating band R output MHz 5-108
TV output MHz 5 – 862
SAT output MHz 950 – 2400
Insertion loss R path dB 10 – 14
TV path dB 10 – 14
SAT path dB 9 – 13
through dB 3 – 5