The statistics show that about 25 percent of damages of electronic equipment are caused by overvoltages induced out of electromagnetic field during close lightning strikes. The Video Surge Protector OPV-1 effectively protects video line, carrying away the stroke current to the ground. This way the excessive voltage is strongly limited and does not harm the video appliances. The device does not affect video signal quality and no supplying is required.
Ultra-high-speed switching diodes of large admission power have been applied.
In case of appearing voltage value over 2.4V between the signal line and the common line, the diodes will short close the circuit with tremendous speed, eliminating the over voltage and protecting a camera and other expensive video equipment such as digital video recorder, monitor etc.
Name | OPV-1 |
Code | M1701 |
Threshold voltage (signal to common) | > 2.4 V |
Maximum stroke current (8/20 us) | 5 kA |
Protection level at 100 V/us | 700 V |
Through loss | 0.3 dB |
Band | 0-160 MHz |
Resistance of protection (to ground) at 10V | > 20 GΩ |
Reaction time | 6.25 ns |
Grounding | indirect,via gas spark gap and grounding bolt |
Input connector | BNC (female - socket) |
Output connector | BNC (male - plug) |
Weight | 0.055 kg |
Dimensions | 68x39x61 mm |
Attention! Before installation please read the next instructions:
- OPV-1 is not symmetrical - the protected appliance must be connected to output (WYJSCIE) BNC connector. The input (WEJSCIE) is connected to the transmitting line.
- Any installation work cannot be performed during thunderstorm.
- OPV-1 requires proper grounding installation.
- The protector should be placed as near as possible to the protected device.
This connection of OPV-1 allows to protect the monitor.
In order to fully protect all equipment connected to video line it is recommended to use this application.